Many times, we have habits that we would like to break, but it takes much more than wanting…it takes perseverance and determination. It also takes self-discipline. If you can master and maintain the long-term discipline yourself, you will accomplish anything you desire in life! So what are the ABCs of self-discipline?
Avoid Temptation.
Why have sugar cookies in the house if you are trying to eat healthier?
Set Boundaries.
You need to know and respect your limitations, especially when it comes to your time. Saying no to certain tasks and events allows you to accomplish the daily work essential to your success.
Disciplined people do what they say they will do.
ok, I agree…there’s more to it. How is it possible to write one article that addresses every unique person in the world? It’s not, but following are a few more traits of disciplined people.
Develop Better Habits.
Many people look at a disciplined life as being synonymous with a deprived life. But that’s not the way they see it. They only see that they are gaining a new habit, which takes time and energy to establish.
Define Your Goals.
We’ve written about goals before… make each of your goals S*M*A*R*T!
Make A Routine.
Routine is the cornerstone to becoming efficient and managing your time better. When you incorporate your new habits into a routine, the new habits automatically become part of your day.
Mind Over Mood.
Even if you don’t feel like going to the gym or eating healthy instead of getting take-out disciplined people don’t let those feelings get in the way of accomplishing their goals. Your mind is in charge – not your mood!