“System” is not just a word…it’s a method to implement. Systems are the fundamental foundation a person can use to {work smarter, not harder}. You knew that was coming, right?! The thing […]

Hiring For Success

Hiring the right team members is more than just finding people you like. You are the coach and you have an opportunity to build your GOAT […]

What Are You Feeding Your Brain?

Our brains are incredible machines capable of growing and expanding, depending on the information we feed it. Are you fueling it with reality tv, a podcast with new information, or a best selling book?[…]

The ABCs Of Self-Discipline

Many times, we have habits that we would like to break, but it takes much more than wanting…it takes perseverance and determination. It also takes self-discipline. If you can master and maintain the long-term discipline yourself, you will […]

What Is A Professional Mentor And Can A Mentor Help You?

A professional mentor can be a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
For some people, a mentor is a paid professional with a formal contract. For others, it may be less formal but still some form of a […]